"And here with you, under these colors. I'll stay with you, there is no other. We share a name, we share a wonder. And on the road ahead we'll keep going further."


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

201 days to go...

I have been wanting to update everyone on how the pregnancy is going, but I have been SO sick and spent most of February on our couch :/ The only thing that got me through it was knowing that if I am sick, the baby is doing good! I did have a few days of feeling good but they never lasted and I would spend the rest of the day nauseas. 

The day before Valentine's day Matt and I went to see the Decemberists in San Diego and had the time of our lives. We had never seen them live and we were anxious to see them sing our favorite songs. They did not disappoint! They interacted with the crowd so well and we spent most of the show laughing at their crazy antics. We also got the baby a Decemberists t-shirt and I can't wait until they are big enough to wear it! 

I am now starting to feel normal again and I am loving every minute of it! My appetite is ferocious to say the least. I have to eat every 2-3 hours or I get a headache and feel nauseas. I am still not loving red meat, pizza, and most frozen foods (weird!!). Home style waffles, chicken, orange juice and water are at the top of my must eats!

Before I got pregnant, grocery shopping was my favorite chore. It was a way for me to unwind and relax and I loved picking out yummy food and treats! Throughout my pregnancy, the grocery store absolutely terrified me! The thought of it made me exhausted and nauseas. Today was my first time in a grocery store in over a month. I felt like I climbed a mountain and I was so grateful for this burst of energy that is allowing me to get out of the house and feel normal! I also got a pedi and that made me feel even better! Now our fridge is stocked with healthy goodies and I am even going to make Matt dinner tonight!

I could not have gotten through my first trimester without Matthew. His patience, understanding, compassion and love was so evident and he was so happy to do anything and everything that I needed. It's amazing how much more I love him and how I continue to fall more in love with him every day. He is there for me however and whenever I need him and I couldn't be more proud to be his wife. 

The baby is now as big as a LIME! The baby bird has gone through so many changes in the last month and I LOVE reading everything and anything about their growth. We have our last first trimester appointment next week and we have been counting down the days! Every appt. is nerve wracking for me because I don't want to hear bad news:( The bird has been doing so good and always has a strong heartbeat! I am so excited to start the second trimester and all the lovely changes that my body will go through as my bump gets bigger and bigger. I am beyond anxious to feel the baby kick and I can't wait for that special moment! 

Please continue to pray and send good thoughts to us! I am aware that my baby is in God's hands and I pray with my whole heart that we have a healthy baby boy or girl. That we can celebrate many birthdays, that I can kiss many boo boo's, bake lots of cookies, see lots of school plays... I can not think of anything better for our lives:]