After 13 months and 11 days, I am ready to be done nursing and start the weaning process. I am going to miss it and I am so grateful that my body was able to nourish and sustain Fenix for so long. It obviously went very well for Fenix too, my boy is super healthy and still a chunky monkey. The beginning was super tough and incredibly painful but after that it was an easy breezy experience with no complications whatsoever. Nursing is so a part of our every day routine that it is going to be so weird to no longer be doing it. I only planned to nurse up until Fenix turned 1 year, which is pretty average but since the move coincided with our plan to wean, I didn't want to take away nursing from him AND move to a whole new place. I wanted to make sure that he was happy living at our new place and since he is doing extremely well I decided that now would be the perfect time to stop nursing.
I have a lot of questions and worries and I want to make sure that I am doing everything in my power to have this be the least traumatic for Fenix as possible.
I want to officially be done by the beginning of January because I will be leaving my son for the very first time overnight (just thinking about makes my stomach turn upside down) and going to Vegas for my sister's bachelorette party. I will be leaving on Friday night and won't be returning until Sunday night and he will be with his daddy the whole time. So that gives me about a month so that when Vegas comes, nursing will not have been a part of our routine for a few weeks.
A normal day for nursing is:
Some days when he wakes up around 7:30-8 he wants to nurse but majority of the time he doesn't need to.
Between 11-12 is when he naps and I nurse him to sleep. I realize that is something I probably shouldn't have done and it will only make it harder but we can't go back and change that so, moving on.
He goes to bed around 7:30-8 and I also nurse him to sleep.
Here is the really tough part: He recently got a second molar that really messed up his sleep and for the past 3 weeks he has been waking up every 1-2 hours constantly, every night. I am absolutely, completely exhausted and this extreme lack of sleep only made me want to start weaning even more.
I have pretty much always gotten up in the middle of the night with Fenix. We don't do the cry it out method, once in awhile he will whine or do a fake cry and we will leave him but once he starts really crying, I am in there. If I go in to try and put him to sleep, he always wants to nurse. If I try to just rock him or sing to him he will flip out. Before I never had the option of sending Matt in to try and put him back to sleep because Fenix would scream and scream because he only wanted me, thankfully the last month Matt has been able to put him to sleep which has helped. Matt has to work so I obviously can't rely on him to wake up every 2 hours with him.
We also started giving Fenix cows milk through out the day and he loves it!
So my questions are...
Is it even possible to wean in a month?
Do I start substituting a time when I would nurse with cow's milk, like before nap time?
What should we do when Fenix wakes up in the middle of the night and I can't nurse him?
If it makes any difference he doesn't use a bottle or a pacifier.
I honestly have no idea what I should be doing so any advice, words of encouragement, prayers would be SOO appreciated.
I am PRAYING for an easy and smooth transition for both of us!

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