...cause you're the only song I want to hear.
I am still in shock that it has been three whole months since Fenix has been born. In just a month he has changed SO much and is doing so many new things.
The newest and most hilarious is his voice. He has found it and..
He has also discovered his feet, hands, tongue and his toys are now fascinating to him. He is teething and drooling like crazy. I always have drool on my shirts, it's way cute.
Fenix is now getting stranger anxiety and we are having a hard time leaving him with anyone other than Matt and I. We went to lunch and a movie a few days ago and we left him with his Grandma and Great Grandma and he basically cried the whole time and napped only for a few minutes. As soon as we got home and he saw us, he was completely fine. I know it is just a phase but it still is stressful and I hate knowing that I am leaving my screaming baby with someone.
Today we started putting him in his crib for naps and he is currently crying his head off. Fenix is a champ when it comes to sleeping at night. We have got night time down like clockwork. He also takes his morning nap in his swing for 2-3 hours and always goes down without one peep. When it comes to afternoon naps, if we try and put him in his swing, bouncer or anywhere other than my arms he flips out. So for basically a month his naps are taken on me. I know it is our fault but we can only tackle so many things at once. Nighttime sleep was a huge adjustment and now that it is under control we have to focus on naps and it is going to be tough. It is our job as parents to make those hard decisions because we know what is best for that little stinker.
On a happier note, my sweet baby boy is being dedicated at WACC on January 29th. My heart beams with joy every time I think about it. That day holds lots of meaning: it's my birthday and I will be turning 25 and last year on my birthday we announced that we were expecting! WACC is also so special to us. I was saved there, the first time I met Matt was there and we got married there. Our little family has so much history with that church and now we will be raising our boy in the church. I can't wait for his dedication and I know I am going to be one proud mama.
On an even happier note, Fenix finally fell asleep as I was typing this. It only took 30 minutes of crying but he has now been asleep for 25 minutes! That is a record for napping on his own.
This year is definitely starting off splendidly! I get to spend everyday with my little man, what more can I ask for?

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