I thought 2010 was the best year of my life.
I had NO idea what was in store for 2011.
It was another year of many firsts & it is overwhelming to think of all that I have experienced in ONE year.
In 2011,
I celebrated one year of being a wife.
I found out I was pregnant.
I heard my baby's heartbeat & saw my baby move during the ultrasound for the first time.
I found out we were having a boy & cried.
A lot.
I felt Fenix kick for the first time on Mother's Day.
I watched my belly grow & grow every day.
I was so swollen & puffy for 3 months straight.
I was also 5 days overdue, which might as well have been 10 years.
I gave birth.
I fell deep in love with my son & fell in love all over again with my husband.
I became a mother.
We celebrated Fenix's first Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas.
I watched my son grow from a teeny tiny newborn to an incredibly chunky, smiley, healthy almost 3 month old.
And I loved and learned more than I could have ever thought possible.
I am not a fan of resolutions.
Instead I am just making promises.
To my husband,
I promise to love you and tell you everyday how much I love you...
a minimum of 10 times.
I promise to give our marriage 110%. Always.
And to my son,
I know you can't read this but just know,
not a day will go by that I won't give you a million kisses, cuddles, snuggles, hugs, raspberries on your belly, nibbles on your hands & toes or tell you I love you.
All of these will happen at least a dozen times a day.
My only request, if at all possible...
Please don't grow up so fast.
You will always be my baby.
No matter what.
I am really excited for 2012.
It is going to be another year of firsts: Disneyland trips, going to zoos & aquariums, a first birthday.
Life is beautiful.
And with that, here are some of my favorite pictures of the year.
Courtesy of Michelle's Cake House. Delish.
I had no idea I was pregnant here!
The day we found we were expecting!
Mother's Day.
The day we found out we were having a boy.
Sweet baby profile.
Our maternity shoot.
Baby shower invitations.
My baby shower... and incredible puffiness.
Fenix's first picture.
Meeting for the first time.
First family photo. I was drugged out of mind here.
First Thanksgiving.
First Christmas!
Last picture of the little man in 2011!
Goodbye 2011. You will truly be missed and known for the best year of my life.
Hello 2012!

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