Dear sweet Fenix,
Where do I even begin? The last post I updated about you was when you were 6 months old. I went back and read that post and the reason I blog is for moments like this. To look back at a time that I will never get back. To relive those memories and the little details that I may forget. Where did my little chubby baby go?! You are definitely not the same baby that you were 4 months ago. It literally blows my mind to think how much you have changed and all the amazing things you can do now. I know I missed a lot but for now I will just focus on what you have been up to in the last month.
We started off going to your auntie Krystal's house and playing in the pool and going on a boat ride. Your dad has been working so much so being able to spend the whole day together as a family was such a blessing. And you look way too cool in sunglasses.
Like always, I did your monthly pictures and you hammed it up like crazy. I may have only taken 30 pictures and I had a hard time choosing the best ones because they were all so awesome.
I do have to add that you look like a cholo in the second picture. That must be your Mexican side making a rare appearance. I do love the last one. That smile is just ridiculous.
You became OBSESSED and I mean OBSESSED with the Veggie Tales theme song. You refuse to watch any other show for more than 30 seconds. Sesame Street? Nah. Yo Gabba Gabba? No way. Mickey Mouse? Yeah right. Nothing holds your attention, not even the Veggie Tales show. Yep, you only want to watch the intro. We have tried to tell you that the intro isn't the actual show but you know what you like. It doesn't matter what mood you are in, if we pull up the song/video on Youtube you will be glued to the screen and nothing in the world matters. There have been so many times when I am driving with you and you're very angry and nothing will pacify you. All I have to do is sing the song and you instantly stop crying.
Whenever we walk into a room you immediately look up to see if there is a ceiling fan. The look of awe in your face is priceless. Whenever we go to your Grandma's house you will sit, stare and wave hi to her fan. I know this is not really a big deal but this is just a little memory of you I don't want to forget.
In addition to being an expert crawler you are now an expert explorer. Before we installed safety gates I was chasing you through out the house all day long. Now you have the entire living room all to yourself and it is your own personal play room. You love to play with your race car track and it is definitely your favorite toy. You know how to turn it on and make the cars spin.
You love pushing anything around including: pillows, your walker, high chair, anything. I also find you crawling underneath things and sometimes getting stuck. You cry out for help but sometimes I can't help but laugh at your predicament because you look just so darn cute.
It wouldn't be a post about Fenix if we didn't talk about food. You have always been a terrific eater from the day you were born. When we first started giving you baby food I knew you would love it. Now, baby food is obviously for babies and you sir are a big boy. You now eat whatever we are eating and anytime we have food you have to have some. You will whine and give the saddest eyes if we are not sharing our food with you. I am now eating much healthier because whatever I make for myself I share with you. It is very rare that we give you something that you don't like. You don't discriminate against any food and are willing try anything and everything. I am cherishing this time because I fear when you reach a certain age, like most kids, you are going to become a picky eater.
Again, you basically eat anything and everything but your favorites are:
blueberry waffles
any type of green veggie
any type of meat and fish
The only things I have found that you immediately didn't like were raspberries and eggs.
(the last 5 pictures were from when I made kale chips and you had a blast making a mess and smearing them all over your face and tray)
Whenever you have a meal or snack, within 4-5 bites you must have a big drink of water. You LOVE water. Whenever you see your sippy cup you get incredibly excited and can't wait another minute until you can drink some water. That is something you definitely got from me, making that a score of mom: 2 and dad: everything else.
You are absolutely hilarious and crazy and I love your personality. You are still an incredibly easy baby but at the same time, you know exactly what you want. Luckily, I can read you very easily so it doesn't take long for me to realize that you are either hungry, tired or thirsty. Those are the only times you really make a fuss.
I am kind of in denial that you are going to be 1 years old in 2 months. I say kind of because I am extremely excited to plan your 1st birthday but I don't want to say goodbye to my baby. After that point you will be considered a toddler and I am just not ready for that. I want you to be my baby for forever. To always want me above anyone else like you do right now. To fall asleep in my arms as I rock you to sleep every night since you were born. To be soft and squishy.
I know that whether I like it or not, you are growing up. You are becoming independent. I guess that means that I am doing my job right.
I love you beautiful boy.
Just promise that no matter what, you will always be my baby.

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