So a lot of you have been asking what is the status on our move. The frustrating part is that, as of right now, everything is the same as of the last post. Though the move is a for sure thing, the timing is still up in the air. His company starts their fiscal year as of October 1st and the higher ups are all going to be meeting this month and going over everything, including the budget for Phoenix. I know I mentioned in my last post but as of right now there is no official call center for customer service. There is one for their dispatch team so what they are doing is knocking down walls and creating a new office just for customer service. The budget that will be given to Matt's boss will determine everything from his pay and when we will move.
It feels like our life is on hold right now. We know this will be a new adventure to say the least but having no clue when we will be leaving is tough. I have been praying every chance I get. Some days it is super easy to give my worry and stress up to God and others days it isn't and that is when I become pessimistic thinking this won't ever happen.
I was driving and thinking about so many different things, including Phoenix, and this song came on. It is very old and I had never really listened to the lyrics but they could not have applied more perfectly to our life at the moment.
Desperate for changing, starving for truth
I'm closer to where I started, I'm chasing after you
I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held on to
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
And I don't know what I'm diving into
Just hanging by a moment here with you
This is definitely testing me in areas of trust and patience. I know that regardless of the outcome, God has our back, obviously but I can't help but feel like God is pulling us to Phoenix.
I am just going to continue praying for wisdom, patience and to take this stress off my heart. If you have time, please say a prayer for our little family, we would REALLY appreciate it.
In the meantime a happy distraction is planning my son's FIRST birthday. Seriously, how the heck did that happen?! I had this 8 pound newborn and now he is going to be a 25 pound 1 year old!? If I wasn't so excited to have his party I would tell him he can't turn one and that's that! Growing up is so tough on mamas! I guess that means we will just have to have another! ;)

I love you and your blog so much! God's timing is perfect and I know it is easily said and not lived, but we know it's true! You guys will be so blessed.
trust me, I know EXACTLY how you are feeling about the move, we have been on pins and needles waiting for what seems like forever! We have heard, next month, we have heard by 2012, by 2013... now its by January 2014! Im praying for you friend! Waiting SUCKS! and being where you are with having to live with family, makes it that much harder! Love your words! :o)
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