My handsome little gentleman.
Life with Fenix is pretty amazing.
He is still a very calm and content little guy. He rarely cries and when he does it is either because he is hungry or tired. He always wakes up laughing, smiling and cooing.
In the last few months we have celebrated a few holidays.
He had his first Halloween! He was less than a month old so we couldn't go anywhere or do much with him. We put him in pumpkin jammies with a matching pumpkin hat and Aunt Alicia and cousin Ethan came to visit.
My little punkin!
Around this time poor Fenix broke out in a rash all over his face, neck and chest. It turns out that the little Mr. is SO chubby that he was overheating in all the warm clothes we were putting him in. He has so much chubs that it keeps him well insulated and he doesn't need to wear a lot of clothing. He needs to wear as much as we wear or less. I felt horrible that I was overheating him! Bad mama!
Here is Fenix at one month and you can totally see his rash:(
We also celebrated Fenix's first Thanksgiving! The day started at Matt's parents and he did really well there. He unfortunately did not take more than a 30 minute nap. When we got to the second half at my grandma's house, Fenix was just not having it. He wouldn't eat and didn't want much of anything. He was so incredibly miserable and tired that we had to leave early and go home. We hardly had any time at my family's Thanksgiving and got no pictures. At least we learned how incredibly important naps are and we are now bringing more things from home to help him nap.
Around this time, Fenix's personality really started to shine. He learned how to smile (big gummy smiles) laugh and talk. All he had to do was smile and my heart would completely swell and feel like it would burst with happiness.
At two months, he had his first well baby check up with vaccinations. The Dr. confirmed what we already knew... we had one BIG healthy baby! He weighed 15 pounds 1 ounce and was 23 3/4 inches. He is in the top 90%-95% for weight and 50%-75% for height. He of course got his shot and I could not stay and watch... so I waited outside while Matt stood with our little guy. He came out a few minutes later completely fine with a few band aids on his leg:( He also didn't get a fever or have any reactions other than sleeping ALL DAY long.
Mr. Fenix at 2 months
We also started putting Fenix in his crib at night. The first time we tried I cried so hard listening to him scream that I felt like my heart was literally broken. Before I had Fenix, if someone told me that I would have laughed at them and told them they were ridiculous. Hearing my child cry brings out instincts of automatically going in and rocking him, cuddling him, kissing him, anything to comfort him. To not be able to do that, to do something that every fiber in my being is making me want to do was devastating to say the least. I felt like I was letting him down, abandoning him and possibly making him feel like he wasn't safe. I struggled so hard with this "crying out" routine at bed. It really helped to put on headphones and listen to music to drown out the sounds of him crying. After a few days Fenix would cry less and less. I knew he was exhausted, fed and had a dry diaper so all he really need was sleep.
It also helped to establish a bedtime routine.
We always start at 7 with his bath time. After that we lotion him up, put on his jammies and mittens, feed him and rock him to sleep. He wakes up once around 1-2am to eat, goes right back to sleep and wakes up again he between 6-730am. He never goes right to sleep. He always has to cry a little but now he has gotten so good that he only cries for 5-10 minutes. Our bedtime routine has also helped during the day. After he wakes up in the morning he is up for 1-2 hours and goes back to sleep for 2 hours. It is like clockwork and is so amazing for Matt and I. We have a 2 month old and we actually get 6-7 hours of sleep. I had no idea that was even possible. In the end, putting Fenix to bed in his crib was best for everyone. We all get sleep and Fenix gets a routine, everybody wins.
I am treasuring every single smile, cuddle, laugh, chubby roll, stinky diaper, tiny article of clothing and that sweet baby smell. I am present in every single moment hoping that I will never forget anything. I don't want to miss anything. Every day he is getting bigger and my heart aches knowing that one day he won't be this little tiny baby, well relatively speaking, nothing about Fenix is tiny.
I dream of the days when he makes me macaroni necklaces. When his art is proudly displayed on the refrigerator. His first day of school.
For now, he is 2 months old. He always smells good. He has too many rolls to count. He absolutely loves to cuddle with mama. His feet are always delectable. He will always be my baby boy. No matter what.
This is how I will always remember him, even when he is married and has children of his own.

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