This is ridiculously late.
We are almost half way to having a ONE YEAR OLD.
This past month has been, by far the most fun.
Fenix walked in his walker for the first time. He didn't just walk, he ran. The look of excitement on his face was priceless. He knew what he was doing and he was so proud. I felt so many emotions watching my son, my baby being mobile. My heart swelled with such intensity that it felt like my rib cage may crack open.
This was only the beginning of firsts for this month.
On Valentine's Day, Fenix sat for the first time unassisted by either myself, Matt or the back of the couch cushions.
Later that day we celebrated by going to Cheesecake Factory. You can read about that day here.
Since Fenix is a tank, he is almost at the max weight for his baby car seat. We bought him a convertible car seat that goes up to 65 pounds. At the rate he is growing, that should last him until he is 2 years old (I am fully aware that he will start losing weight but have you seen how solid he is?). We went to Target (the holy land for moms) and he got to ride in the stroller for the first time. His eyes were wide the whole time, like he didn't want to miss anything.
He has also started to become a bully. He really enjoys digging his nails into my skin and twisting them. I now have lots of little scratches all over my arms. He likes to pull my hair which is one of the reasons I never wear it down. Have you ever tried to pry your hair out of a 20 pound baby's chunky sausage fingers? You can't. As much as he loves to pull my hair, he equally loves to grab my glasses, take them off my face and throw them to the ground. I'm not kidding, my kid is mean.
Fenix has now figured out how to throw tantrums. He will whine and scream until you pick him up. SO fun.
His absolute favorite foods are carrots and bananas. I really can't describe the amount of joy on his face when you are feeding him those foods. He opens his mouth as wide as he possibly can, just to make sure you know that the food goes there. He usually says mmmm and will yell at you if you don't get it in fast enough. He likes pears and did not enjoy sweet potatoes but we will try them again.
At least 20 times a day my son has me laughing hysterically. I still stop a few times a day, just to stare at him and take all of his beauty in. I am still in shock that he is here and that he is my son. I am absolutely, positively living my dream being a mom and I am soaking it all in every chance I get.

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