Matt has been praying for the last week about this and he is now, finally ready to go back to school.
Up until now, everyone has been telling Matt that he needs to go back to college. He has not been ready and even if he did go back, I don't think he would have done as well as opposed to him going because he wants to go. To be quite honest, neither of us saw a reason for him to go back. Now that Fenix is here and I am a stay at home mama, that is one less source of income that we are going to have. It is very important to the both of us that I stay home with Fenix. It has been my dream to raise my children and stay at home and I have never been happier. That means that Matt needs to make WAY more money than he could be in a job without a degree.
He did go to school for a year or so and we are waiting for his transcripts to be mailed from CSUF. We are PRAYING that there are a lot of credits and that they are transferable. He also has a grant that has been collecting interest for years so we will be using that money to pay for his classes, books, etc. and hopefully financial aid will take care of the rest.
This is going to be another journey for us and it definitely won't be easy. My job as his wife is support him as he makes a great decision for our little family. I am so excited for the future! We want to have more children, a lot sooner than the 5 years apart that we had originally planned. Here's to Matt graduating and more babies!

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