I have been absent from my blog for some time. To be fair we have been crazy busy and we have had some life changing news happen in the last few weeks. And no I am not pregnant. Just thought I would save you the suspense since everyone automatically assumes news = pregnancy.
Before I go into details let me go back to the beginning. Warning: this is a very long update.
September 11th was Matt's birthday.
We went to Disneyland and had the absolute best time. When we first took Fenix, he was teething all day long and got his first tooth the next day. He was completely miserable and didn't smile the whole time. This trip was completely different. He was so excited to see everything and anything. Cars Land was definitely the high light and so was the Pixar parade. Matt said it was his best birthday yet!
Oh and please excuse my awful look. It was incredibly hot and terribly humid.
Oh and please excuse my awful look. It was incredibly hot and terribly humid.
And here is the same picture just zoomed in so you can see Fenix's silly expression.
The next day we got an update on Phoenix: we were told that Matt's company was no longer going through with the project.
(If you are unfamiliar with my posts on Phoenix, start here, then here and the last one here.)
Matt was absolutely crushed. As hard as it would be to move, one thing was certain: we would be able to live as a one income family and not struggle like we would if we lived here. We told our families and they of course were super excited that we were staying but they also felt badly for Matt because they knew it would be a great career move. We also started immediately looking for places to live in orange county. Let me just say that it is insane how expensive it is to live here! For a basic 2 bedroom, 1 bath with basic amenities in Brea/Fullerton it would be about $1300-$1500. That is something we could not afford off one income. If you have read any of our prior posts or know us, we are both completely traditional in the sense that Matt is the provider and my role is to be a stay at home mom. I absolutely love it and there is nothing in this world that I would rather be doing and I realize that I am super blessed to stay home with my son. So the idea of me going back to work was something we were going to try to avoid at all costs but the high cost of living here made it impossible for me to stay home.
(If you are unfamiliar with my posts on Phoenix, start here, then here and the last one here.)
Matt was absolutely crushed. As hard as it would be to move, one thing was certain: we would be able to live as a one income family and not struggle like we would if we lived here. We told our families and they of course were super excited that we were staying but they also felt badly for Matt because they knew it would be a great career move. We also started immediately looking for places to live in orange county. Let me just say that it is insane how expensive it is to live here! For a basic 2 bedroom, 1 bath with basic amenities in Brea/Fullerton it would be about $1300-$1500. That is something we could not afford off one income. If you have read any of our prior posts or know us, we are both completely traditional in the sense that Matt is the provider and my role is to be a stay at home mom. I absolutely love it and there is nothing in this world that I would rather be doing and I realize that I am super blessed to stay home with my son. So the idea of me going back to work was something we were going to try to avoid at all costs but the high cost of living here made it impossible for me to stay home.
So the next day I continued apartment and job hunting and we had a few appointments set up at different places and I had a few places wanted to schedule interviews for jobs. I was going to go to Matt's work on his lunch break so I called him to ask what he wanted for dinner. He told me, "I really don't care, as long as it something good to celebrate." "Celebrate what?" I asked him. "Well we are moving to Phoenix. They just told me right now."
We are officially moving to Phoenix.
To go from we aren't going to, yes we are going, in less than a day was a lot to handle. I drove over to his work so we could talk about everything and I had only seen this kind of excitement in my husband on a few occasions: our engagement, wedding day, finding out I was pregnant and when Fenix was born. Matt was on cloud nine and beyond excited. Even though this caught us off guard, we were ready to go. I can't tell you how many times I had prayed about Phoenix. I had completely given the entire situation over to God and I was completely at peace. I told Him that if that is where He wants us, let it be known. I knew that everything would work out because it was His will.
We are officially moving to Phoenix.
To go from we aren't going to, yes we are going, in less than a day was a lot to handle. I drove over to his work so we could talk about everything and I had only seen this kind of excitement in my husband on a few occasions: our engagement, wedding day, finding out I was pregnant and when Fenix was born. Matt was on cloud nine and beyond excited. Even though this caught us off guard, we were ready to go. I can't tell you how many times I had prayed about Phoenix. I had completely given the entire situation over to God and I was completely at peace. I told Him that if that is where He wants us, let it be known. I knew that everything would work out because it was His will.
That was late on Thursday night. I spent the next three days researching Phoenix, looking for apartments and getting everything ready for our road trip to go out there and find a place to live. You can definitely say that week was incredibly busy and exhausting: mentally and emotionally.
Matt worked an overnight shift on Sunday from 7-3:30am. I took him to work, came home, gave Fenix a bath and put him to sleep, packed all of our clothes and anything else we needed and did 3 loads of laundry. With so much to do and the anticipation for our road trip, I slept for maybe an hour. Then at 2:30am I showered, loaded EVERYTHING in the car, got Fenix in his car seat and we left to pick up Matt. The great thing about leaving that early was NO traffic. We made really good time and were out of the LA area within an hour or so. Matt took the first shift and he drove until 6 and then I woke up so I could drive and he could sleep. I was able to watch the sun rise in the desert and that was so beautiful. Fenix slept until 7:15 and then we stopped and stretched our legs. I remember standing and holding Fenix cheek to cheek as he looked at all the desert around us as the sun peeked over the hills. To know that he had never seen anything like it and to be there as he is taking it all in, it was an amazing moment as his mama.
This was also Fenix's first road trip so we were unsure how he would handle it. Asking a toddler to sit in their car seat for a 5 hours is a crazy request. Thank God he did really well. The last half an hour though, he had enough. There wasn't much we could do because we were still in the middle of nowhere. So we had no other option but to let him cry/whine for that time and we listened to our music very loudly. The first city we got to was Buckeye and we stopped for some much needed coffee and donuts at Dunkin Donuts. I was very excited to try them since there are none around where we live but I was sadly disappointed. They were too thick and cakey as opposed to being light and airy which is what I like in a donut. After our quick breakfast we got back in the car and thankfully we now had reception which meant we could put on Youtube for Fenix! No crying baby!
It only took us about 30 minutes from that point to get to our first appointment. Like I said, I had done hours and hours of research looking for apartments. The only problem was not knowing the area whatsoever. When we got to Phoenix where the first apartment was, Matt and I were really nervous. It was a bad, bad neighborhood. It was so bad that we drove into the complex, looked at it from our car, drove away and called to immediately cancel our appointment. The next place we went to was nicer but the area was still bad. My heart was sinking. I was hoping and praying that this isn't what the entire city of Phoenix was like. The leasing consultant told us about one of the other properties they managed and she thought that we would really like it. When we drove over to the area, it was like a breath of fresh air. We could immediately tell that it was a much nicer part. We got a tour and we fell in love with it. The complex was really nice and well maintained, it was off a quite street and there was no traffic noise, the interior of the unit was super nice and had everything we wanted/needed. A huge plus is that it is only 10 minutes away from Matt's work and he doesn't need to take a freeway. 5 minutes away is a huge shopping center with a Costco, tons of yummy restaurants and a Hobby Lobby. Technically it is in Phoenix but we are on the border of the city Avondale.
Matt was ready to sign the papers right there but I wanted to look around and take some time before we made such a big decision. We decided to check in to our hotel and get some lunch. A few hours later we went back and looked at some more apartments and they were either out of our budget or they didn't have any two bedrooms available around the date we needed. We were both in agreement that this was exactly what we were looking for and we really loved the area. By that time is was too late to do any of the paperwork so we called the leasing office and scheduled an appointment right when they opened so we could get the process started.
We went to Islands for dinner and sat there in awe.
We found our place.
It is official.
We are actually moving.
Finding our soon to be home made it so real.
Fenix had no idea what was going on but he was in heaven because he was eating chicken and broccoli and in that boy's eyes, there is no greater combination. After dinner we went straight to our hotel to put Fenix to sleep and we were passed out by 9:30. How we managed to stay up from 8 am the previous day with only a few hours of sleep is beyond me. Fenix also slept from 9-6 which was super impressive considering he has never slept in his pack and play overnight. Then he went back to sleep until 8:30 and that was a super big blessing because all of that sleep completely recharged us and we were ready for another big day. Since our hotel was half an hour away from the apartments, we packed up early and headed west. After all the paperwork was signed and we gave them our deposit we went out to breakfast to celebrate. Phoenix gorged himself on fruit and made friends with the baby sitting at the next table. We couldn't leave without going to Hobby Lobby and buying some things for our new home. That place is so amazing that even Matt didn't mind shopping and that says a lot!
Before leaving we decided to get Fenix's birthday present a little early. With a long drive ahead of us we decided a portable dvd player was a definite necessity. That, plus Rio, Veggie Tales and a few Yo Gabba Gabba DVD's were our saving grace.
And that was Fenix's first road trip and the first time I had ever been to Arizona. Due to the lack of sleep and the short amount of time that we were there, we sadly took no pictures.
So here is a rundown on everything:
We move in on November 2nd.
We got a two bedroom, two bath.
It comes with a washer/dryer in the unit, HOW AMAZING IS THAT?
It also comes with a full kitchen: fridge, microwave and dishwasher.
It of course has a/c and a cute little patio/balcony.
I still can't believe it is happening.
This is going to be a new adventure for our little family. We truly feel like this is the absolute right decision. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared or nervous. It is totally scary moving to a new state not knowing anyone. That is where I am so grateful to be a part of the body of Christ. I know our friends and family are going to be praying for us and offering support in any way they can.
Also, a huge perk when we move out there is NO MORE OVERNIGHT SHIFTS! HALLELUJAH! If I had a mountain I would go to the top and yell, scream and do a little dance. Those shifts have been super hard on both of us, especially him. It is impossible to get used to working those hours and his sleeping schedule is so thrown off. Not to mention he is gone every weekend night. Going to bed without your husband on multiple nights is just awful. Now he will be working a normal 8-5 and have weekends off, PRAISE JESUS! My husband will be home every night for dinner and I can't explain how excited we both are! He also will be free on Sunday mornings and that means he will be free to go to different churches with me in hopes of finding "our" church.
Another perk is for the first few months that we are out there, his company is allowing Matt to come back to California and work out of the Anaheim branch for about a week so that the transition won't be so difficult. It won't be like we are on the East coast and only able to visit on holidays. We are a a 5-6 hour drive/1 hour plane ride away. And we have invited all of our friends to take a road trip and they will save money on hotels by staying with us and basically only pay for gas. I am also bribing them by cooking all meals:]
At the very top of our list after we are done moving and getting settled in is finding a church. WACC is really the only church I have ever known. I absolutely love it there and it has so much meaning to me and our family. I want to get plugged into a church as soon as possible. I know it is going to take some time and I can't expect it to happen right away but I am praying that we find "the one" sooner rather than later.
We are so ecstatic to see what God has in store for us in Phoenix. We are taking complete comfort in knowing that this is His plan.
Please pray for us.
Pray that our move goes smoothly.
Pray for Matt as he takes a step in a new direction with his job.
Pray that we find a church that is filled with people that genuinely love Christ and who aspire to be like Him.
Pray that we make friends that are positive and uplifting people.
Pray for our marriage and that this move will only bring us closer as a couple, family and ultimately closer to God.
Pray for our families who are so happy for us yet so heartbroken that we are leaving and taking Fenix with us.
God is so, SO good.
I am clinging to this verse right now.
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Matt was ready to sign the papers right there but I wanted to look around and take some time before we made such a big decision. We decided to check in to our hotel and get some lunch. A few hours later we went back and looked at some more apartments and they were either out of our budget or they didn't have any two bedrooms available around the date we needed. We were both in agreement that this was exactly what we were looking for and we really loved the area. By that time is was too late to do any of the paperwork so we called the leasing office and scheduled an appointment right when they opened so we could get the process started.
We went to Islands for dinner and sat there in awe.
We found our place.
It is official.
We are actually moving.
Finding our soon to be home made it so real.
Fenix had no idea what was going on but he was in heaven because he was eating chicken and broccoli and in that boy's eyes, there is no greater combination. After dinner we went straight to our hotel to put Fenix to sleep and we were passed out by 9:30. How we managed to stay up from 8 am the previous day with only a few hours of sleep is beyond me. Fenix also slept from 9-6 which was super impressive considering he has never slept in his pack and play overnight. Then he went back to sleep until 8:30 and that was a super big blessing because all of that sleep completely recharged us and we were ready for another big day. Since our hotel was half an hour away from the apartments, we packed up early and headed west. After all the paperwork was signed and we gave them our deposit we went out to breakfast to celebrate. Phoenix gorged himself on fruit and made friends with the baby sitting at the next table. We couldn't leave without going to Hobby Lobby and buying some things for our new home. That place is so amazing that even Matt didn't mind shopping and that says a lot!
Before leaving we decided to get Fenix's birthday present a little early. With a long drive ahead of us we decided a portable dvd player was a definite necessity. That, plus Rio, Veggie Tales and a few Yo Gabba Gabba DVD's were our saving grace.
And that was Fenix's first road trip and the first time I had ever been to Arizona. Due to the lack of sleep and the short amount of time that we were there, we sadly took no pictures.
So here is a rundown on everything:
We move in on November 2nd.
We got a two bedroom, two bath.
It comes with a washer/dryer in the unit, HOW AMAZING IS THAT?
It also comes with a full kitchen: fridge, microwave and dishwasher.
It of course has a/c and a cute little patio/balcony.
I still can't believe it is happening.
This is going to be a new adventure for our little family. We truly feel like this is the absolute right decision. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared or nervous. It is totally scary moving to a new state not knowing anyone. That is where I am so grateful to be a part of the body of Christ. I know our friends and family are going to be praying for us and offering support in any way they can.
Also, a huge perk when we move out there is NO MORE OVERNIGHT SHIFTS! HALLELUJAH! If I had a mountain I would go to the top and yell, scream and do a little dance. Those shifts have been super hard on both of us, especially him. It is impossible to get used to working those hours and his sleeping schedule is so thrown off. Not to mention he is gone every weekend night. Going to bed without your husband on multiple nights is just awful. Now he will be working a normal 8-5 and have weekends off, PRAISE JESUS! My husband will be home every night for dinner and I can't explain how excited we both are! He also will be free on Sunday mornings and that means he will be free to go to different churches with me in hopes of finding "our" church.
Another perk is for the first few months that we are out there, his company is allowing Matt to come back to California and work out of the Anaheim branch for about a week so that the transition won't be so difficult. It won't be like we are on the East coast and only able to visit on holidays. We are a a 5-6 hour drive/1 hour plane ride away. And we have invited all of our friends to take a road trip and they will save money on hotels by staying with us and basically only pay for gas. I am also bribing them by cooking all meals:]
At the very top of our list after we are done moving and getting settled in is finding a church. WACC is really the only church I have ever known. I absolutely love it there and it has so much meaning to me and our family. I want to get plugged into a church as soon as possible. I know it is going to take some time and I can't expect it to happen right away but I am praying that we find "the one" sooner rather than later.
We are so ecstatic to see what God has in store for us in Phoenix. We are taking complete comfort in knowing that this is His plan.
Please pray for us.
Pray that our move goes smoothly.
Pray for Matt as he takes a step in a new direction with his job.
Pray that we find a church that is filled with people that genuinely love Christ and who aspire to be like Him.
Pray that we make friends that are positive and uplifting people.
Pray for our marriage and that this move will only bring us closer as a couple, family and ultimately closer to God.
Pray for our families who are so happy for us yet so heartbroken that we are leaving and taking Fenix with us.
God is so, SO good.
I am clinging to this verse right now.
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

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