"And here with you, under these colors. I'll stay with you, there is no other. We share a name, we share a wonder. And on the road ahead we'll keep going further."


Saturday, January 29, 2011

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes...

(I made this post on Thursday the 27th and we found out on Wednesday the day before)

You read right.

I went to the Dr's yesterday because I had not been feeling too well and I asked Matt to come with me. I described how I had been feeling and he said that it sounded like I was pregnant and asked me take a pregnancy test. 
About a month ago I found out I have a condition that could make getting pregnant difficult (I may or may not go into this later) so even though I had pregnancy symptoms I just figured it had to do with my period about to start. We were talking with the Dr. and the nurse knocked on the door, said something to him and he nodded. 
Then he looked at us and said, 
"Well you're pregnant." 

I immediately started crying and asked, "Are you sure? You're serious?! OH MY GOD!" Matt was sitting there in shock and was crying as well.  I felt like my body was in the office and my heart was flying around the clouds. I thought it was a dream at first but I kept telling myself, "You are not dreaming!" We hugged, cried, said I love you and cried some more. We also gave the Dr. a hug too. 

He immediately wanted to get an ultrasound done so he could see how far along I was and it looks like I am about 4-5 weeks. The little baby bird was too tiny to see and all that is visible in the ultrasound picture is the pregnancy sac but the baby is in there safe and sound and hopefully growing!!

The Dr. told us that we shouldn't tell anyone right away about the pregnancy, not because of the condition I have but because the rate of miscarriage is 20-25% for any women this early in her pregnancy. He also scheduled another ultrasound in two weeks so that we could hear the babies heartbeat! He also said to start taking prenatal vitamins and rest.  

We left the Dr. office and both felt like we were about to faint. Matt actually pinched me hard (which hurt!) just to prove I wasn't dreaming. 

We both thought about it and we decided there is no possible way we could keep this from our families. This is a blessing from our Lord and our sweet precious baby is in His hands. Our baby needs love and prayer right now and we need our family's support to get through the first trimester.

After that was decided, we put our thinking caps on as to how we would tell our family. Luckily, my birthday was only a few days away and it would be the perfect time to tell everyone at once! We decided to buy a baby item and have Matt give it to me as a present in front of everyone and when I open it they will see these:

The babies first pair of Vans! Finding clothes that are unisex are difficult! They all have lambs, monkeys, sheep, giraffes and all other safari animals and I am not a big fan! Owls or birds, bring it! 

The rest of the day was spent with our head in the clouds.

I was glowing at this point.

The day we found out! We were exhausted and I had a ridiculous cold that left my nose as red as Rudolph's.

So far the symptoms aren't too bad. I get random bouts of nausea that come on fast but leave rather quickly. I have yet to experience morning sickness, thank you Lord! However there are certain foods that I once enjoyed that now make we want to throw up: blueberry waffles, teriyaki chicken from Costco and the smell of alcohol (which I can't have anyways so I am fine with that).

According to thebump.com the baby bird is the size of an apple seed!

 Your embryo (looking kind of like a tadpole) is starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of hCG (the hormone detected by pregnancy tests)... which triggers production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone... which trigger all those great symptoms you've probably been noticing!

I am praying and ask that anyone that reads this to please send prayers as well! I want this baby to grow healthy, have all ten fingers and ten toes, have arms and legs where they should be, and hopefully have eyes like their Papa!

The past 4 years have been monumental to say the least. 
I got engaged when I was 21.
I got married when I was 22.
I got pregnant when I was 23.
AND the best of any of these...
I will be a mommy at 24.

I am so excited for the next 9 months and I know that Matt and I are going to be the best parents to this little angel that God has blessed us with.