"And here with you, under these colors. I'll stay with you, there is no other. We share a name, we share a wonder. And on the road ahead we'll keep going further."


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

And the big news in the Ramsaur family is...

We are moving to Phoenix, Arizona!

It is a 99% possibility and all we are waiting for is the official formal offer from Matt's company.

I have been praying my little heart out for the last month. I just had this feeling that God was calling us somewhere and there was a reason that Matt and I had been discussing moving outside California. At first, it just seemed like one of the dozen conversations we have had in the last 5 years: moving to Oregon, Colorado, Georgia, North Carolina, Texas, you name it, we have probably discussed moving there. The more I prayed about it, the more it seemed like it would be a possibility.  I knew that wherever God wanted us, He will provide and He will make it happen. I prayed that whatever His will is then to just give us a sign. A few days later BAM! Matt got offered the position. I don't think we could get a more obvious sign than that.

Matt called me a few days ago and told me he had news. He received an informal offer from the regional director of the call centers and he offered Matt a team lead position in Phoenix with the possibility of advancing in the near future. Currently there is not a call center in Phoenix and they are building it right now. Matt would be the point of contact at that center and if he does well, they want to promote him to a supervisor. Which is a title he definitely wants to have on his resume so that eventually he can get into the IT field which is something he really wants to do as a career. 

Because I believe 100% that this is God's plan for us, I don't feel anxious or scared. Yeah, a little part of me is nervous but overall I feel at peace and I am honestly excited to start this new adventure!

We don't have an exact move date but we are thinking sometime in the middle of September or at the very latest in October.

The great thing is that during the first few months out there, he was given the ok to come back to the Anaheim office every couple of months for two weeks and work. His company knows we will be leaving everything and everyone we know behind so they are being very accommodating and allowing Matt to come back so that it will make the transition a little easier. They also discussed the possibility of Matt working 4 10 hour shifts. That would give Matt 3 days off and the ability to be home more often.

Financially this is a decision that makes complete sense. The cost of living out there is CHEAP and I mean CHEAP. I will also be able to stay home with Fenix and I wouldn't need to get a job. Yes, we will be away from our family and friends but it is only a 6 hour drive and a 1 hour plane ride. Our families are already planning to visit us as much as they can.

I have been researching Phoenix a lot but I don't know that much about it. We will be taking a road trip there in a month to look for an apartment and tour the city. If any of you have helpful information we would gladly appreciate it!

I also want to say thank you to everyone regarding my last post. I got so many comments and sweet messages and it made me realize that we have so many friends that love and care about us. 

Please, if you can, keep us in your prayers. This is an incredibly exciting time in our lives and we are really happy to start this new journey.

And yes,
Fenix is going to be living in Phoenix.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Giving it up

Matt and I have been discussing and praying about our family situation and what is best for all of us. I am incredibly blessed that Matt fully supports my desire to be a stay at home mom. He also believes that it is what's best for Fenix and he understands that it is something I am so passionate about and that I couldn't be happier staying home and raising our boy. We are also aware that in order for us to have a two bedroom apartment close to our family and to his work, pay all of our bills, put money into savings and have money to go on yearly vacations (nothing extravagant but places like Big Bear, San Diego, Yosemite, etc) we would both have to be working full time. That may sound completely normal to majority of people but for us, that is something we can't do. I was put on this earth to stay home and raise my babies. God put this desire on my heart and it is something I can't ignore. The thought of going to work and leaving Fenix; even with my mom or my mother in law, where he would be in great hands; makes me sick to my stomach. I can't be away from him. My heart is breaking into a million pieces just thinking about it. I don't want to miss anything during his childhood. God willing, we also want to have more kids which would be incredibly hard if I am working full time. Leaving Fenix while I work is heartbreaking but leaving two of my kids is unimaginable. 

If the thought of myself working full time isn't a possibility than what are our other options? We have definitely thought of moving out of the state for years. It is absolutely mind blowing to look at other states and see that the cost of living, pretty much everywhere else in the US, is astronomically cheaper. An average two bedroom apartment in Orange County is going to cost you $1400-$1500. Outside California it can range from $600 for a decent apartment and up to $1000 for a huge, brand new apartment with a washer and dryer and tons of amenities.

I have to admit, the idea of moving somewhere other than Southern California is terrifying. I have never lived anywhere else and I am completely spoiled by the weather, or lack of. Another huge factor is our church. WACC is so incredibly important and special to us. I have so many wonderful friends that attend which makes bible studies and mom groups that much more special and that is the church that I want to raise my son in.

The main reason that makes me not want to move is our families. We have never been more than an hour away from them and especially now, with Fenix, we need them now more than ever. To say they would be devastated if we moved would be an understatement.

So, what do we do? Do we stay in California, where our family, friends and church will be close but I work full time (making me completely miserable) and we live on a tight budget. Or do we move out of state where I can be a stay at home mom, Matt wouldn't need to do as much over time resulting in him being home more, we would have a much more disposable income but we would be far from our families, friends, church and everything I have ever known.

As much as I want to stress out about this decision, I can't. The best part is that I don't need to. All I need to do is pray. It's that simple yet it so isn't. I want to be in control of our lives and important decisions like this. I am impatient and I want answers now. I want someone to tell me what the best choice will be for my family because I have no clue. Whatever choice we make, someone won't be happy. Whether it is me because I have to work and be away from Fenix or our families because we live far away.

We are going to continue to pray and I ask if you could pray for wisdom and guidance for our family.

Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm going, going, back, back to blogging, blogging

Wow. I am pretty sure there are cobwebs and dust bunnies around my blog. It has been 3 months since my last entry and OH, how I have missed blogging. I told myself that I would keep doing it and not let such a huge space of time go by. I am not the most consistent person so I shouldn't be surprised. Seriously though, I have been dying to blog but just have not made the time to do so. Especially with Matt working 60 hour weeks, me being an official SAHM and now with Fenix crawling, it is nearly impossible to be able to sit down and blog. The only time I even watch TV is in bed with Matt after he gets home and Fenix is asleep. I am going to try my absolute hardest to blog during Fenix's nap time (he is sleeping right now) and after he goes to sleep on the nights that Matt works late, which seem to be a lot lately.

There is so much to catch up on I don't even know where to begin. 
The first thing that comes to mind is all the wonderful friends I have met and reconnected with this year. I wrote about it here but having play dates, girl time and fellowship has been a HUGE blessing for me. Another plus is that all my friends have kids that are older than Fenix so it's nice to know that I am not alone and I also get lots of great advice. 

We have had lots of exciting events and milestones since my last post:

Fenix's first Easter

 First time on a swing

My sister's engagement party

 First trip to the beach and Disneyland!

First teef!

Then one day, Fenix was scooting... 

then pulling himself up on the couch and cruising...

then he was almost crawling...

then.. BAM! he was crawling.

Oh, and this all happened in one week. 
It definitely taught me that my son is incredibly determined. 

I don't think I have said it enough but I absolutely, wholeheartedly love being a mom. I have never laughed more, been more tired or loved anyone so intensely in my life. It blows my mind everyday that God entrusted us to take care of and raise this precious little soul. He is just so scrumptious and I have to stop myself from devouring him whole. Have you seen those meaty thighs? So delicious. 

Thanks for stopping by and I promise (pinky promise!) to be updating the blog through out the week. If you are new here, feel free to take your shoes off and get comfy, there are lots of posts starting off when we first found out we were pregnantFenix's birth storymy 25th birthday and Fenix's dedication and lots more!